Exciting new way to engage!

A virtual sketchbook!

People have been very kind, viewing my exhibition of 92 sketchbooks at Ipswich Art Gallery with much interest, and often wondering what is inside the other pages. We could only show one spread from each book of course, although we have videos playing in the gallery space showing me paging through half a dozen of the sketchbooks.

We thought it would be nice to make something more interactive and current. So this is a virtual sketchbook made up of my two sketchbooks that I am using right now. It shows what has been going on in the studio, in my life and in my head!

I wanted to make it honest, and real, so although it is not every page (that would be too long and boring!) we tried to show a good variety of what goes on in my practice. I worked with a videographer Tom Oliver, who followed me around the studio and home, a gig drawing at World Science Festival Brisbane and at the gallery, to offer extra hidden elements to the experience.

If you click on this link it will take you to the sketchbook and wherever you notice a white flashing box (it only flashes for a second!) you can click for more information.


This has been kindly supported by the Ipswich Art Gallery.

Photography/Video by Thomas Oliver www.thomasoliver.photo

Copyright © deb mostert April 2023